Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Aspen Farms is a delight to volunteer for!

Although I got up at 5 am this morning, volunteering for Aspen Farms was so well run that I didn't grumble once.
First off - they feed you breakfast. Warm breakfast. French toast, bacon for you meat-eaters, yogurt, cereal, and coffee - when it's 48 degrees out this is AWESOME.
Then - they give you a shirt!
Then they gave me (at least) a super sweet location where I had almost no refusals but got to watch Training level horses have issues with the first water fence, and therefore - I learned SOOOOO much yet didn't have to write it down on the form!
Then I walked BN to scope it out for next year, which gave me some ideas (uh, we have to learn up-banks; and we need to work on oxers with some spread to them, and stick with the height (3') so the fences at the show seem puny).
Here's a few photos that looked brilliantly done on my iPhone screen, but not so much on the computer screen.
We also met a rider with a dachshund like Atom, and I asked her what she does with him when she rides. Answer: puts him in trailer (nothing else worked). So that seals it! Next year we'll camp and Atom will accompany me to shows.

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