Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Trailer sleep-over

The trailer got to spend the night at the house last night so that I could take it at lunch today to get a new electric brake box and a longer drop hitch so that it will ride level. I also got the piece that zinged loose when the gravel hit it riveted back in. This all lightened my wallet considerably, but it feels easier to drive, and some little moron tested my electric brakes by pulling out immediately in front of me. The electric brakes passed the test and I narrowly avoided a heart attack smashing some little car with my enormous truck.

Here's what the truck & trailer look like from inside the house and the front corner of the front yard. My yard's not THAT small, either.

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