Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Charlie the Champ!

At NWEC this weekend, Charlie was, like usual, a champ.  I was fair to middling, but he dealt with all the details and helped us stay in 1st all three days.
The big take aways are the same things I've been working on in my lessons - bigger canter for show jumping, better use of my back for half halts instead of my hands, and get my heels out of his side.  That lesson was clear to me in all three phases, but the good news is I could feel a lot of improvement from last year.
And I was so proud of Charlie.  It was hot all three days, but particularly on Friday and Saturday and he just worked his heart out.  He loves cross country, and I love him.


Leah said...

Congratulations!!! Nice to see NWEC is finally giving out some decent ribbons :) instead of the woefully tiny ones of the past.

Unknown said...

congrats!! he looks great!