This is the schedule I came up with to get Charlie ready for the Novice 3 day at Rebecca this July. Each resource I looked at used a slightly different approach, and I also wanted to take into consideration what Charlie needs, which is a day off each week. He's not the sort of horse who enjoys working 7 days a week.
Week 1: 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, cool down* (= 10 minutes) (* cool down is as long as it takes, which was pretty long in the middle when it got warm and he really got working)
Week 2: 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4
minutes trot, cool down (= 15 minutes)
Week 3: 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4
minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, cool down (= 20 minutes)
Week 4: 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4
minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes
trot, cool down (= 25 minutes)
Week 5: 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4
minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes
trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, cool down (= 30 minutes)
Week 6: 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4
minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes
trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, cool down (= 35 minutes)
Week 7: 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4
minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes
trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, 1
minute walk, 4 minutes canter, cool down(= 40 minutes)
Week 8: 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4
minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes
trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, 1
minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, cool down (= 45 minutes)
Week 9: 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, cool down (= 50 minutes)
Week 10: EI Horse Trials
Week 11: 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes canter, 1 minute walk, 4 minutes trot, cool down (=55 minutes)
Switched weekly riding schedule to:
Day 1: Dressage & hack
Day 2: Show jump & hack
Day 3: Dressage & hack
Day 4: Show jump & hack
Day 5: Condition
Day 6: Off
Day 7: Repeat Day 1
Week 12: 10 minutes trot, 2 minutes walk, 10 minutes canter, 4 minutes walk, 2
minutes at 470 mpm, 4 minutes walk, 10 minutes trot, 2 minutes walk, 10
minutes canter, cool down (= 55 minutes)
Week 13: Aspen
Week 14: 12 minutes trot, 2 minutes walk, 12 minutes canter, 4 minutes walk, 3
minutes at 470 mpm, 4 minutes walk, 12 minutes trot, 2 minutes walk, 12
minutes canter, cool down (= 65 minutes)
Week 15: Inavale
Week 16: 14 minutes trot, 2 minutes walk, 14 minutes canter, 4 minutes walk, 4
minutes at 470 mpm, 4 minutes walk, 14 minutes trot, 2 minutes walk, 14
minutes canter, cool down (= 75 minutes)
Week 17: 16 minutes trot, 2 minutes walk, 16 minutes canter, 3 minutes walk, 5
minutes at 470 mpm, 3 minutes walk, 16 minutes trot, 2 minutes walk, 16
minutes canter, cool down (= 80 minutes)
Week 18: 18 minutes trot, 2 minutes walk, 18 minutes canter, 2 minutes walk, 5 minutes at 470 mpm, 2 minutes walk, 18 minutes trot, 2 minutes walk, 18 minutes canter, cool down (= 85 minutes)
Week 19 = Rebecca!
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