Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Dressage after John rode

Yesterday John rode Duke, and today I could tell.  Duke was light in the bridle, forward, and very responsive to leg aids.  After John rides, Duke doesn't like for me to give a lot of aids with my hands.
We worked on 10 meter circles, cantering with loose hips (and relaxed back) and then pushing Duke forward when he needed it with the hips, and then making a smaller circle around John with Duke counterbent, crossing his outside leg over his inside leg, and then moving to correct bend and pushing him out on the circle so he led with his bent body, NOT with his outside shoulder.
We worked on down aids by closing my leg (with a little inside rein to keep him from going above the bit), and moving him forward and bringing him back with mostly leg aids at the trot.
It was a great lesson, and Duke was a delight to ride.

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