Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Saturday, October 23, 2010


The middle two weeks of this month, Willig was a bit of a pill. Even J commented on it, and she's pretty unflappable. I think it might have been our weird weather - he had been shedding a bit before that and then it got cold and crisp without a lot of mood-dampening rain.
This week he seems to be back to normal.
On the drive out, I was thinking about work and other boring stuff, and I got to wondering if maybe he's such a challenge for me because he's too much like me? We're both on the high-strung neurotic type A (if a horse can be Type A, it's Willig) side, and maybe, just like in relationships, we do best with horses who are kind of our complement, although not too far. I enjoy riding fiesty horses more than I like lazy horses, but I like a trooper who doesn't need a lot of delicate handling, because **I** need a lot of delicate handling. Just like I do best with a boss or a relationship where the other person is firm but easy going.
We've also finally hit another roadmark that I've read about but never understood: riding isn't enough to keep you fit enough to ride. I always assumed it was because I was kind of a twitchy, reasonably-fit person (and I have definitely had my fitness slip in the last few years), but I think I just wasn't really riding at a level that needed fitness. Working our three "speeds" at the canter completely wipes me out - I pour sweat, turn bright red, get out of breath, and my thigh muscles start screaming. I am finally going to have to buckle down and start finding time to do my regular workout (running, yoga/pilates, and some weights at home) or else my fitness is going to hold us up. That's pretty cool, although whew - yet more time.
Willig also, by the way, gets sweaty. It's not just me.

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