Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Current top 5 areas of focus

1. Heels down and forward - For this, I think lifting my toes and at each step, pushing my heels down and forward 2. Hands even and steady - For this, I am using rubberbands 3. Work on 2-point at trot and canter - Just trying to practice each time I'm in the jump saddle to build up these muscles so I don't pant my way around the course. Also, working on feeling the difference between 350 mpm and 400 mpm. 4. Feeling the hind legs at walk and trot. For trot, I think it is when you sit if you're posting, but I need to check that. 5. Independent leg aids, especially felt at the leg yield.

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