Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Flying change success!

During today's jump lesson, on approximately our third (but possibly 10th) try, we finally got a right to left flying lead change!!  Without any leaping, just a regular old, "oh, you wanted a change, ok here it is" kind of thing!  John clapped.
We also rode a few lines (a six stride, a five stride to a one stride, and a long four) quite well and forward.  When Charlie took off, I could feel my hips close like they are supposed to, instead of jumping ahead.
It wasn't perfect, but somehow I got him nice and forward and he was eager to jump also.
Then we went on a nice long walk on John's uphill trail to cool off.
Charlie is such a great boy.
The secret to the change was the 3-10 tries before that, the lesson earlier in the week, but most (?) importantly, I took a breath, I'd ask him to bend right, I'd do a half pass right (on a circle), then I'd change his bend to left, lift my right hand, and ask with my legs for the new lead.  I had to do each step and do each one precisely and calmly.
He did a little better too, after we jumped a fence and landed left, he'd remember left and be more likely to land on the left lead (instead of his usual 90% on the right lead no matter what) - but I am also doing a much better job looking, bending a bit a few strides out, but I still need work on my leg aids for the correct lead when we are taking off.
I also walked the lines when we were done, and the 6 walked one step short (4'), the 5 walked perfectly, and the 4 walked one big step long (4'+) so I can now apply that to walking the SJ course at the shows for when I need to ride big into one vs. ride regular vs. ride tight.

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