Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Realistic expectations

Thinking about what John said yesterday, I keep expecting Duke to just step into Charlie's shoes.  Charlie was already established at training level, I rode him with Shannon for two years, and it took me four years before I was ready to ride him Training level.
Duke has also gone training level, but only for a handful of shows and with a professional.  It will probably take us years to be able to ride together the way that Charlie and I could in our sixth year together.  I need to be realistic that Duke is a different horse, with different strengths, and it will take us time together to get to be a good team like Charlie and I were.  I think he has a lot of potential, but we need TIME, which can only come by dedicating years of work together.

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