Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Jump lesson indoors with Christa

It was an ugly rainy day, so Christa and I jumped inside.
John set up one fence, and we started it going to the right; he started it as a tiny cross rail and moved it up to a hefty (3'8"?) vertical, then we turned around and jumped it going to the left.
Then he lowered it a couple holes and turned it into an oxer.
Duke and I had a few off - either long or too tight, and then we got the rhythm of it. What I had to do was counterbend a little around the turn, then put my leg on, but then half halt, and then count from the turn to the fence. If I counted 1-2-3-4 from the far end of the arena, I could usually get the distance correct.
John said part of it is not letting him drift at the very last couple strides; he said the distance will be good, we'll be coming in steady and then we're 1' off because of the left drift at the end.
The jumps felt freaking huge, but I measured the oxer after and it was only 3'6" and so at best, a couple holes up, it was like 3'8"? Barely even competition height. Ugh - need to retrain my eye.

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