Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I talked to the two barn managers tonight, and they said that the Sunday lessons don't start until 11 am (I had no idea), so I can have the 8-11 block to jump. That works wonderful for me, and I'm so relieved I talked to them. They also want to encourage some other people to jump too, so I'm not totally alone like I thought. They were so professional.
Something is going on that I don't want to blog about because I'm not sure exactly what it is, but if you are in the Olympia area and you want a part time or maybe even full time barn manager, I totally, totally recommend Amy who has been managing the barn since I got here. I don't even know that she's looking for a new job, but she is very, very professional and I've been so happy with her.
Of course, they were riding together, and I was riding Willig, and the doofus could NOT pay attention. (sigh) He is carrying Bob's torch of keeping me humble.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I'm glad you worked out your conflict. That girl Kat sounds totally unprofessional. The trainers at my barn respect the boarders and understand that we need space to ride too. We just provide new kids the opportunity to learn arena etiquette!

Good luck at Happ's! Do you have any clinics in mind? I am thinking of doing the Ian Stark clinic at Tulip Springs on October 11. But it's expensive so that's my only reason I'm not sure yet. I think clinics would be a good way for you guys to get some lessons and then work on the stuff you learn. You always get so much feedback that you'd be set for awhile!