Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Lesson #12: 5/29/06 - LUNGE LINE

Things to remember when riding:
1) Shoulders back
2) Arms glued to waist, elbows rest on hips (hold something - like a glove - under arm)
3) Post up and down (not towards front)
4) Ears, shoulders, hips, heels - one line
5) Hands steady
6) Don't look down
7) Breathe
8) Don't tilt shoulder in (Alice's tip was wear a loose bra strap so you can feel it fall)
9) Paper/kleenex under knees/feet
10) Lean way back - feels like sitting in chair
Bob says sitting trot isn't ever comfortable, but feels correct. It did feel a lot better by the end of the lesson.

Two days earlier I rode Sonny, and had similar problems as on Mercury - my legs swing back; I tilt forward. The big difference was Sonny ignored me mostly (i.e. didn't get anxious).

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