Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Lessons 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 - 4/8, 4/15, 4/23, 5/7, 5/13

7: - on video - jumping with Marcie
1) Give him his head over trot poles
2) Don't overjump
3) Don't let him rush

8: - dressage with Marcie
1) Look down center line from corner - so don't pass center line and have to go back
2) Don't cut corners - use all of arena
3) Same tempo at end as start
4) Look relaxed - don't ride all stiff
5) Don't halt/salute too rapidly. Pause for a second.
6) Bob practices a dressage test every ride (but switches A & C). Doesn't mind horse anticipating.

9: - only rode about 5 minutes - Mercury needs an adjustment
1) Bob says not to ride so planned - to feel what Mercury can do on each day
2) If ride him injured, he'll build defenses that will take longer to correct
3) Chiro next week - give him a few days, then start really riding him hard
4) I need weekly lessons - Bob should ride some too (to see if attitude, physical, or me)
Alice - lower expectations, no perfect, don't repeat
Small, discrete goas
Focus on positive
Bob says I can learn to feel it, too controlling now.
Bob syas when he's in shape, he'll let me ride Cormoran - to feel an Olympic level horse.

10 & 11:
Mercury falls apart
Bit - teeth - bute - no turn out
Walk only - lunge with ties
Even Bob is struggling.

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