Charlie with the long sought after cooler

Charlie with the long sought after cooler
Spring NWEC 2013 Novice

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Lesson #3 - 12/31/05

Head position
1) Keep head in position - especially around corners. Do 5-6 half halts before and after corners. Keep up impulsion.
2) Constant pressure on inside. Squeeze and release on outside.
3) Less coddling of Mercury. He won't do it unless he is asked to.
4) Praise him when he is correct. Talk sharply when he's not listening.
5) Bob rode Mercury in this lesson.
6) Conditioning is trot. Bob says walk, 10 min. trot, 5 min. walk, 5 min. trot, 2-3 min. walk, 2 min. walk, canter, tort, walk, canter, etc. Limited canter because it doesn't condition.
7) Use lunge line to load him in the trailer.
8) Don't let saddle hang loose (to air out).
9) Use lighter for back lifts and to do tummy sit-ups.
10) No hand movement.
11) Get training level tests.

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