Willig had one hive yesterday and a second one today, so tomorrow we are switching from Platinum Performance only, to Platinum, plus his Riva's Remedies herbs, and the Platinum mega-$ allergy stuff.
They don't really look like hives - more like two little bug bites, but since I can't imagine what bugs are out right now, better safe than sorry to try to nip this in the bud.
Also, I think the problem with the sitting trot (it was stiff) and Willig not picking up the right lead was my muscles being weird. I went to see a new chirpractor (long story that is really not that interesting) and he kept identifying these wack spots, and then telling me how the muscles being wack would affect me, and I kept thinking "well, that explains the sitting trot", "well, that explains the right lead the other day", "well, that further explains the sitting trot" on and on and on.
So hopefully, getting myself fixed up will help at least not give myself as many obstacles as possible riding.
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